My Flatmate is a photographic series of my flatmate ‘Holly’. The series is a commentary on one's journey to find inner comfort and safety in their immediate environment. Like many young adults, Holly suffers with depression as well as anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. There are many areas of her life that she struggles to control, however, her bedroom is one area that only she can command. Stepping into Holly’s bedroom is like stepping into a different world, there are scrubs hung from the ceiling, towering monsteras, technicoloured posters covering the wall head to toe and tiny trinkets placed everywhere. Holly explains that “our environment shapes us, and it's so important to surround yourself with things that bring you joy and contentment whether that be by posters on the wall or the people you invite into that space”. The way Holly keeps her bedroom and the objects in it is completely her prerogative, “it’s important to safeguard that space and set boundaries”. Her rats and lizards are another extremely important element to Holly’s mental wellbeing. “I find it to be a great joy when I’m taking care of the creatures I call my sons. I think a lot of people would jump to the conclusion that owning four animals as a student isn't practical, but I subscribe to the idea that you make time for the things that are most important to you. They’re a great encouragement to live responsibly and remind me that, just as I am, they are worthy of love and respect”. No matter how hard it might be some days for her to look after herself, she always has to get up and look after her pets which give her a great sense of responsibility and being needed.