In a world of male-oriented media, art and advertising, women are used as ploys to draw people in and be viewed and sexualised as objects. From subtleties of suggestive curvatures to provocative images of nude women, the objectification of women and the female form can be found throughout the design industry.
As designers and artists, it is essential to be observant of our design and others' designs; however, this needs to occur beyond the guise of the female body. Gaze Beyond Guise is a direct commentary concerning the male gaze. I use the word' 'gaze' and 'guise' to convey two different meanings of the same words. In a design context, 'gaze' means to look intently, to appreciate art. The 'male gaze' is the idea of visual art depicting women as sexual objects created for the pleasure of heterosexual men. 'Guise' used in this multifesto regards an external form or appearance such as the female body.